Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Integration platform for optical switching of magnetic elements 

      Sobolewska, E.K.; Pelloux-Prayer, J.; Becker, H.; Li, G.; Davies, C.S.; Kruckel, Clemens; Avilés-Félix, L.; Olivier, A.; Sousa, R.C.; Prejbeanu, I.L.; Kirilyuk, A.I.; Van Thourhout, Dries; Rasing, T.; Moradi, F.; Heck, M.J.R. (2020)
    • Opportunities and challenges for spintronics in the microelectronic industry 

      Dieny, B.; Prejbeanu, I.L.; Garello, Kevin; Gambardella, P.; Freitas, P.; Lehndorff, R.; Raberg, W.; Ebels, U.; Demokritov, S.O.; Akerman, J.; Deac, A.; Pirro, P.; Adelmann, Christoph; Anane, A.; Chumak, A.V.; Hiroata, A.; Mangin, S.; Valenzuela, S.O.; Cengiz Onbasli, M.; d'Aquino, M.; Prenat, G.; Finocchio, G.; Lopez Diaz, L.; Chantrell, R.; Chubykalo-Fesenko, O.; Bortolotti, P. (2020-08)