Browsing Conference contributions by imec author "07761243442a75daaa75613333bbbe534d580f8f"
Now showing items 1-20 of 181
2-output Spin Wave Programmable Logic Gate
Mahmoud, Abdulqader; Vanderveken, Frederic; Adelmann, Christoph; Ciubotaru, Florin; Cotofana, Sorin; Hamdioui, Said (2020) -
3D Heterogeneous Package Integration of Air/Magnetic Core Inductor: 89%-Efficiency Buck Converter with Backside Power Delivery Network
Sun, Xiao; Lin, Hesheng; Velenis, Dimitrios; Slabbekoorn, John; Talmelli, Giacomo; Bex, Pieter; Sterken, Tom; Lauwereins, Rudy; Adelmann, Christoph; Miller, Andy; Van der Plas, Geert; Beyne, Eric (2020) -
4-output Programmable Spin Wave Logic Gate
Mahmoud, Abdulqader; Vanderveken, Frederic; Adelmann, Christoph; Ciubotaru, Florin; Hamdioui, Said; Cotofana, Sorin (2020) -
A Dy2O3-capped HfO2 dielectric and TaCx-based metals enabling low-Vt single-metal-single-dielectric gate stack
Chang, Vincent; Ragnarsson, Lars-Ake; Pourtois, Geoffrey; O'Connor, Robert; Adelmann, Christoph; Van Elshocht, Sven; Delabie, Annelies; Swerts, Johan; Van der Heyden, Nikolaas; Conard, Thierry; Cho, Hag-Ju; Akheyar, Amal; Mitsuhashi, Riichirou; Witters, Thomas; O'Sullivan, Barry; Pantisano, Luigi; Rohr, Erika; Lehnen, Peer; Kubicek, Stefan; Schram, Tom; De Gendt, Stefan; Absil, Philippe; Biesemans, Serge (2007) -
a-VMCO: a novel forming-free, self-rectifying analog memory cell with low-current operation, nonfilamentary switching and excellent variability
Govoreanu, Bogdan; Crotti, Davide; Subhechha, Subhali; Zhang, Leqi; Chen, Yangyin; Clima, Sergiu; Paraschiv, Vasile; Hody, Hubert; Adelmann, Christoph; Popovici, Mihaela Ioana; Richard, Olivier; Jurczak, Gosia (2015) -
Achieving low VT Ni-FUSI CMOS via lanthanide incorporation in the gate stack
Veloso, Anabela; Yu, HongYu; Lauwers, Anne; Chang, Shou-Zen; Adelmann, Christoph; Onsia, Bart; Demand, Marc; Brus, Stephan; Vrancken, Christa; Singanamalla, Raghunath; Lehnen, Peer; Kittl, Jorge; Kauerauf, Thomas; Vos, Rita; O'Sullivan, Barry; Van Elshocht, Sven; Mitsuhashi, Riichirou; Whittemore, G.; Yin, K.M.; Niwa, Masaaki; Hoffmann, Thomas; Absil, Philippe; Jurczak, Gosia; Biesemans, Serge (2007-09) -
Achieving Wave Pipelining in Spin Wave Technology
Mahmoud, Abdulqader; Vanderveken, Frederic; Adelmann, Christoph; Ciubotaru, Florin; Hamdioui, Said; Cotofana, Sorin (2021) -
Advanced a-VMCO resistive switching memory through inner interface engineering with wide (>10²) on/off window, tunable μA-range switching current and excellent variability
Govoreanu, Bogdan; Di Piazza, Luca; Ma, Jigang; Conard, Thierry; Vanleenhove, Anja; Belmonte, Attilio; Radisic, Dunja; Popovici, Mihaela Ioana; Velea, Alin; Redolfi, Augusto; Richard, Olivier; Clima, Sergiu; Adelmann, Christoph; Bender, Hugo; Jurczak, Gosia (2016) -
Al-induced defect generation in cubic phase HfO2/SiO2/Si gate stacks
Arimura, Hiroaki; Ragnarsson, Lars-Ake; Veloso, Anabela; Adelmann, Christoph; Degraeve, Robin; Schram, Tom; Chew, Soon Aik; Franco, Jacopo; Cho, Moon Ju; Kaczer, Ben; Groeseneken, Guido; Horiguchi, Naoto; Thean, Aaron (2012) -
ALD La-based oxides for Vt-tuning in high-k/metal gate stacks
Swerts, Johan; Fedorenko, Yanina; Maes, Jan; Tois, E.; Delabie, Annelies; Ragnarsson, Lars-Ake; Yu, HongYu; Nyns, Laura; Adelmann, Christoph; Van Elshocht, Sven (2007) -
ALD La2O3 cap layers on high-k gates to modify the metal gate work function
Maes, Jan; Swerts, Johan; Tois, E.; Delabie, Annelies; Adelmann, Christoph; Ragnarsson, Lars-Ake; Yu, HongYu (2007) -
ALD on high mobility channels: engineering the proper gate stack passivation
Sioncke, Sonja; Lin, Hang Chun; Adelmann, Christoph; Brammertz, Guy; Delabie, Annelies; Conard, Thierry; Franquet, Alexis; Caymax, Matty; Meuris, Marc; Struyf, Herbert; De Gendt, Stefan; Heyns, Marc; Fleischmann, Claudia; Temst, K.; Vantomme, Andre; Muller, Matthias; Kolbe, Michael; Beckhoff, Burkhard; Schmeisser, Dieter; Tallarida, Massimo (2010) -
All electrical propagating spin wave spectroscopy with broadband wavevector capability
Ciubotaru, Florin; Devolder, Thibaut; Manfrini, Mauricio; Adelmann, Christoph; Radu, Iuliana (2016) -
All-electrical detection of spin wave interference in CoFeB waveguides
Talmelli, Giacomo; Devolder, Thibaut; Heyns, Marc; Radu, Iuliana; Adelmann, Christoph; Ciubotaru, Florin (2018) -
Alternative metals for advanced interconnects
Adelmann, Christoph; Wen, Liang Gong; Peter, Antony; Siew, Yong Kong; Dutta, Shibesh; Croes, Kristof; Swerts, Johan; Popovici, Mihaela Ioana; Sankaran, Kiroubanand; Pourtois, Geoffrey; Van Elshocht, Sven; Boemmels, Juergen; Tokei, Zsolt (2014-10) -
Alternative metals for advanced interconnects
Adelmann, Christoph; Wen, Liang Gong; Peter, Antony; Siew, Yong Kong; Croes, Kristof; Swerts, Johan; Popovici, Mihaela Ioana; Sankaran, Kiroubanand; Pourtois, Geoffrey; Van Elshocht, Sven; Boemmels, Juergen; Tokei, Zsolt (2014) -
Alternative metals: from ab initio screening to calibrated narrow line models
Adelmann, Christoph; Sankaran, Kiroubanand; Dutta, Shibesh; Gupta, Anshul; Kundu, Shreya; Jamieson, Geraldine; Moors, Kristof; Pinna, Nicolo; Ciofi, Ivan; Van Elshocht, Sven; Boemmels, Juergen; Boccardi, Guillaume; Wilson, Chris; Pourtois, Geoffrey; Tokei, Zsolt (2018) -
Aluminide intermetallics for advanced interconnect metallization: thin film studies
Soulie, Jean-Philippe; Tokei, Zsolt; Swerts, Johan; Adelmann, Christoph (2021) -
Anomalous positive-bias temperature instability of high-k/metal gate nMOSFET devices with Dy2O3 capping
O'Connor, Robert; Chang, Vincent; Pantisano, Luigi; Ragnarsson, Lars-Ake; Aoulaiche, Marc; O'Sullivan, Barry; Adelmann, Christoph; Van Elshocht, Sven; Lehnen, Peer; Yu, HongYu; Groeseneken, Guido (2008) -
Aqueous chemical solution deposition and characterization of ultrathin high-k dielectric metal oxide films
Hardy, An; Van Elshocht, Sven; Van Bael, Marlies; D'Haen, Jan; Douheret, Olivier; De Gendt, Stefan; Adelmann, Christoph; Caymax, Matty; Conard, Thierry; Witters, Thomas; D'Olieslaeger, Marc; Heyns, Marc; Mullens, J (2007)