Browsing imec Publications by imec author "8ab57f628a3c49cc593b0c8d4c597f33636ce0e4"
Now showing items 1-20 of 25
A 0.314mm2 6T-SRAM cell built with tall triple-gate devices for 45nm node applications using 0.75NA 193nm lithography
Nackaerts, Axel; Ercken, Monique; Demuynck, Steven; Lauwers, Anne; Baerts, Christina; Bender, Hugo; Boullart, Werner; Collaert, Nadine; Degroote, Bart; Delvaux, Christie; de Marneffe, Jean-Francois; Dixit, Abhisek; De Meyer, Kristin; Hendrickx, Eric; Heylen, Nancy; Jaenen, Patrick; Laidler, David; Locorotondo, Sabrina; Maenhoudt, Mireille; Moelants, Myriam; Pollentier, Ivan; Ronse, Kurt; Rooyackers, Rita; Van Aelst, Joke; Vandenberghe, Geert; Vandervorst, Wilfried; Vandeweyer, Tom; Vanhaelemeersch, Serge; Van Hove, Marleen; Van Olmen, Jan; Verhaegen, Staf; Versluijs, Janko; Vrancken, Christa; Wiaux, Vincent; Jurczak, Gosia; Biesemans, Serge (2004-12) -
Challenges building a 22nm node 6T-SRAM cell using immersion lithography
Ercken, Monique; Altamirano Sanchez, Efrain; Baerts, Christina; Brus, Stephan; De Backer, Johan; Demand, Marc; Delvaux, Christie; Horiguchi, Naoto; Locorotondo, Sabrina; Vandeweyer, Tom; Veloso, Anabela; Verhaegen, Staf (2009) -
Challenges in patterning 45nm node multiple-gate devices and SRAM cells
Ercken, Monique; Delvaux, Christie; Baerts, Christina; Locorotondo, Sabrina; Degroote, Bart; Wiaux, Vincent; Nackaerts, Axel; Rooyackers, Rita; Verhaegen, Staf; Pollentier, Ivan (2004) -
Challenges in setting up the patterning processes for a 16nm node SRAM cell
Ercken, Monique; Vandeweyer, Tom; Versluijs, Janko; Truffert, Vincent; De Backer, Johan; Delvaux, Christie; Baerts, Christina (2010) -
Challenges in using optical lithography for the building of a 22 nm node 6T=-SRAM cell
Ercken, Monique; Altamirano Sanchez, Efrain; Baerts, Christina; Brus, Stephan; De Backer, Johan; Delvaux, Christie; Demand, Marc; Horiguchi, Naoto; Locorotondo, Sabrina; Vandeweyer, Tom; Veloso, Anabela; Verhaegen, Staf (2010) -
Demonstration of scaled 0.099μm² FinFET 6T-SRAM cell using full-field EUV lithography for (Sub-)22nm node single-patterning technology
Veloso, Anabela; Demuynck, Steven; Ercken, Monique; Goethals, Mieke; Locorotondo, Sabrina; Lazzarino, Frederic; Altamirano Sanchez, Efrain; Huffman, Craig; De Keersgieter, An; Brus, Stephan; Demand, Marc; Struyf, Herbert; De Backer, Johan; Hermans, Jan; Delvaux, Christie; Baudemprez, Bart; Vandeweyer, Tom; Van Roey, Frieda; Baerts, Christina; Goossens, Danny; Dekkers, Harold; Ong, Patrick; Heylen, Nancy; Kellens, Kristof; Volders, Henny; Hikavyy, Andriy; Vrancken, Christa; Rakowski, Michal; Verhaegen, Staf; Dusa, Mircea; Romijn, Leon; Pigneret, Charles; van Dijk, Andre; Schreutelkamp, Rob; Cockburn, Andrew; Gravey, Virginie; Meiling, H.; Hultermans, B.; Lok, S.; Shah, K.; Rajagopalan, R.; Gelatos, J.; Richard, Olivier; Bender, Hugo; Vandenberghe, Geert; Beyer, Gerald; Absil, Philippe; Hoffmann, Thomas Y.; Ronse, Kurt; Biesemans, Serge (2009-12) -
Effect of water on resist performance beyond resolution enhancement in 193nm immersion lithography
Kim, Hyun-Woo; Delvaux, Christie; Baerts, Christina; Gronheid, Roel; Foubert, Philippe; Kishimura, Shinji; Ercken, Monique (2005) -
Finite element modeling of PAG leaching and water uptake in immersion lithography resist materials
Rathsack, Ben; Scheer, Steven; Kuwahara, Yuhei; Kitano, Junichi; Gronheid, Roel; Baerts, Christina (2008) -
Full-field EUV and immersion lithography integration in 0.186μm² FinFET 6T-SRAM cell
Veloso, Anabela; Demuynck, Steven; Ercken, Monique; Goethals, Mieke; Demand, Marc; de Marneffe, Jean-Francois; Altamirano Sanchez, Efrain; De Keersgieter, An; Delvaux, Christie; De Backer, Johan; Brus, Stephan; Hermans, Jan; Baudemprez, Bart; Van Roey, Frieda; Lorusso, Gian; Baerts, Christina; Goossens, Danny; Vrancken, Christa; Mertens, Sofie; Versluijs, Janko; Truffert, Vincent; Huffman, Craig; Laidler, David; Heylen, Nancy; Ong, Patrick; Parvais, Bertrand; Rakowski, Michal; Verhaegen, Staf; Hikavyy, Andriy; Meiling, H.; Hultermans, B.; Romijn, L.; Pigneret, C.; Lok, S.; Van Dijk, A.; Shah, K.; Noori, A.; Gelatos, J.; Arghavani, R.; Schreutelkamp, Rob; Boelen, Pieter; Richard, Olivier; Bender, Hugo; Witters, Liesbeth; Collaert, Nadine; Rooyackers, Rita; Absil, Philippe; Lauwers, Anne; Jurczak, Gosia; Hoffmann, Thomas Y.; Vanhaelemeersch, Serge; Cartuyvels, Rudi; Ronse, Kurt; Biesemans, Serge (2008) -
Gate isolation technology for compact poly-CMP embedded flash memories
Slotboom, Michiel; Goarin, Pierre; Akil, Nader; Van Duuren, Michiel; Demand, Marc; Wouters, Johan M. D.; Beckx, Stephan; Leray, Philippe; Baerts, Christina; Heylen, Nancy; Pollentier, Ivan (2003) -
High yield sub-0.1μm² 6T-SRAM Cells, featuring high-k/metal-gate Finfet devices, double gate patterning, a novel Fin etch strategy, full-field EUV lithography and optimized junction design & layout
Horiguchi, Naoto; Demuynck, Steven; Ercken, Monique; Locorotondo, Sabrina; Lazzarino, Frederic; Altamirano Sanchez, Efrain; Huffman, Craig; Brus, Stephan; Demand, Marc; Struyf, Herbert; De Backer, Johan; Hermans, Jan; Delvaux, Christie; Vandeweyer, Tom; Baerts, Christina; Mannaert, Geert; Truffert, Vincent; Verluijs, j; Alaerts, Wilfried; Dekkers, Harold; Ong, Patrick; Heylen, Nancy; Kellens, Kristof; Volders, Henny; Hikavyy, Andriy; Vrancken, Christa; Rakowski, Michal; Verhaegen, Staf; Vandenberghe, Geert; Beyer, Gerald; Lauwers, Anne; Absil, Philippe; Hoffmann, Thomas Y.; Ronse, Kurt; Biesemans, Serge (2010) -
Influence of UV irradiation on the removal of post-etch photoresist in porous low-k dielectric patterning
Kesters, Els; Le, Quoc Toan; Lux, Marcel; Onandia, Laura; Baerts, Christina; Vereecke, Guy (2009) -
Influence of UV irradiation on the removal of post-etch photoresist in porous low-k dielectric patterning
Kesters, Els; Le, Quoc Toan; Lux, Marcel; Baerts, Christina; Onandia, Laura; Vereecke, Guy (2009) -
Integration challenges for multi-gate devices
Collaert, Nadine; Brus, Stephan; De Keersgieter, An; Dixit, Abhisek; Ferain, Isabelle; Goodwin, Michael; Kottantharayil, Anil; Rooyackers, Rita; Verheyen, Peter; Yim, Yong Sik; Zimmerman, Paul; Beckx, Stephan; Degroote, Bart; Demand, Marc; Kim, Myeong-Cheol; Kunnen, Eddy; Locorotondo, Sabrina; Mannaert, Geert; Neuilly, Francois; Shamiryan, Denis; Baerts, Christina; Ercken, Monique; Laidler, David; Leys, Frederik; Loo, Roger; Lisoni, Judit; Snow, Jim; Vos, Rita; Boullart, Werner; Pollentier, Ivan; De Gendt, Stefan; De Meyer, Kristin; Jurczak, Gosia; Biesemans, Serge (2005) -
Integration of HIMOSTM flash memory in a 90nm CMOS technology
De Vos, Joeri; Haspeslagh, Luc; Demand, Marc; Redolfi, Augusto; Baerts, Christina; Beckx, Stephan; Vleugels, Frank; Van Houdt, Jan (2005) -
Integration of tall triple-gate devices with inserted TaxNy gate in a 0.274μm² 6T-SRAM cell and advanced CMOS logic circuits
Witters, Liesbeth; Collaert, Nadine; Nackaerts, Axel; Demand, Marc; Demuynck, Steven; Delvaux, Christie; Lauwers, Anne; Baerts, Christina; Beckx, Stephan; Boullart, Werner; Brus, Stephan; Degroote, Bart; de Marneffe, Jean-Francois; Dixit, Abhisek; De Meyer, Kristin; Ercken, Monique; Goodwin, Michael; Hendrickx, Eric; Heylen, Nancy; Jaenen, Patrick; Laidler, David; Leray, Philippe; Locorotondo, Sabrina; Maenhoudt, Mireille; Moelants, Myriam; Pollentier, Ivan; Ronse, Kurt; Rooyackers, Rita; Van Aelst, Joke; Vandenberghe, Geert; Vandeweyer, Tom; Vanhaelemeersch, Serge; Van Hove, Marleen; Van Olmen, Jan; Verhaegen, Staf; Versluijs, Janko; Vrancken, Christa; Wiaux, Vincent; Willems, Patrick; Wouters, Johan M. D.; Jurczak, Gosia; Biesemans, Serge (2005) -
Intra-wafer CD-control in state-of-the-art lithography
Pollentier, Ivan; Baerts, Christina; Marschner, Thomas; Ronse, Kurt; Grozev, Grozdan; Reybrouck, Mario (1999) -
New lithographic requirements for the implant levels in scaled devices
Vandeweyer, Tom; Baerts, Christina; Horiguchi, Naoto; Ercken, Monique (2011) -
New lithographic requirements for the implant levels in scaled devices
Vandeweyer, Tom; Baerts, Christina; Horiguchi, Naoto; Ercken, Monique (2010) -
NMOS and PMOS triple gate devices with mid-gap metal gate on oxynitride and Hf based gate dielectrics
Henson, Kirklen; Collaert, Nadine; Demand, Marc; Goodwin, Michael; Brus, Stephan; Rooyackers, Rita; Van Ammel, Annemie; Degroote, Bart; Ercken, Monique; Baerts, Christina; Kottantharayil, Anil; Dixit, Abhisek; Beckx, Stephan; Schram, Tom; Deweerd, Wim; Boullart, Werner; Schaekers, Marc; De Gendt, Stefan; De Meyer, Kristin; Yim, Yong Sik; Hooker, Jacob; Jurczak, Gosia; Biesemans, Serge (2005)